Thursday, September 18, 2008

qué un desastre

what a disaster. i was all set to go to bolivia in 4 days, when all my plans got pooped on by the bolivian government:

flights to bolivia have been cancelled, peace corps evacuated...i was really excited about going to the salt plains, the amazon river basin, and seeing my friend max in cochabamba but NO there's a huge political crisis RIGHT BEFORE i'm about to leave. so now i'm depressed and the future is completely uncertain.

there has been a lot to see in america already though. we spent two nights chillin at the lazy lizard hostel, and met a guy named mason who is THE lazy lizard. he's technically homeless. he camps out every night and works as a cook: "my boss don't know i woke up on a rock!" he says. he also told us a story about waking up in the mornign with a hawk flapping around on his head. jordi was standing around talking with a group of about four or five of the regulars at the hostel, the subject of jail came up, and then it became apparent that jordi was the only one standing there who hadn't been in the can. the people that work there smoked a bowl right outside the door, and then told us then next night "turns out we're not supposed to do that anymore."

we took more hikes (typical) and saw a cowboy boot wedged into a canyon and some petroglyphs aka "pre-Jesus shit" that were very striking. they kinda looked like robots with spiral hands. we went to return our innertubes to Chip at Chip's tired. Chip was a bit offstandish. Luckily, we were warned that he would be a bit offstandish by Mike, a man with a burst of voluminous curls where a rat tail should be who we bamboozled into giving us a ride. we also saw some graffitti:




every name in moab is a reference to hell (devil's garden, fiery furnace), and i'm beginning to realize that this place kinda does look like hell. it also kinda looks like you're under the sea. we came up with a new activity to entertain ourselves that carson got really into: counting germans and frenchmen. there are SO many! they're everywhere! we also want to visit the landmark on every state's liscense plate. we had some incidents camping out, once when our tent got skunked, and again when a crazy kangaroo rat named Klaus kept running under our tent, onto jordi's foot, and then jordi accidentally whacked klaus with his flip flop.

my dad finally came to meet us (with a car!) we spent a couple days with him visiting arches and such. we saw the Swiss EOW Club (End of Work Club) which my dad desperately wants to join. i've been reading a story about Bianca Casady which is very interesting to me because 1. bianca is the best name on the planet and 2. she never really went to school, which is fascinating. my dad brought me my first pair of glasses, and moab was the best place ever to put them on for the first time. it was like hallelujah, i can see detail in these rocks!

we've seen multiple places advertising that they have the best green chile in utah, and i saw the most incredible shooting star of my life. the moon is so bright that we have shadows at night, bright enough to go hiking at night and see perfectly fine. carson woke me up in the middle of the night screaming ITS LIKE A FLASHLIGHT IN MY EYE! there are a fair amount of creepers, we saw a bumpersticker that said "you looked better on myspace"

i have to go now. more to follow.


Andrea said...

wow bad news in bolivia... we´ll see if it clears up by november. what is happening to max??? but good job with the us adventures maybe you can crosscountry roadtrip (i´ll cry but understand)

Unknown said...

Darn it. I'm with Andrea, cross country sounds do-able and safer. No hitchhiking puleeeze. Besteforeldre could help finance the trip.