Friday, September 12, 2008

we continue to live like bums

constant bad things/concerns: hitch hiking murderers, ghiardia, stuff getting stolen, animals eating our food, rattle snakes, black widows, scorpions

hitch hiking is like waiting for a bus that may never come. the only thing that makes it bearable is listening to carson's impressions of the people in the cars : "pull ova bob! give those poor kids a ride!"

we met a lot of people OBSESSED with rock climbing at the hostel, and a lot of crazies, and a white dog named Buddha with dyed pink spots that is 3/4 pitbul and 1/4 coyote. today we took a hike down a canyon to a waterfall and swimming hole, then went to a music park and jammed with this dreadlock guy who biked up. it looks like mars here, and everyone plants sunflowers everywhere which is really nice. if i could summarize the people of moab in one word, it would be modenuine. modest + genuine. which i think is the ideal personality trait.

to reminisce more on past experiences:

THE TRAIN! we can only fantacize about future train rides across the country (to/from middlebury). i love how shakey it is on the top floor of the train. its entertaining enough to just sit there and watch people try to walk down the aisle, wobbling drunkenly. when we stopped in Elko, Nevada at 10:00 at night everyone got off the train and started running around while they could. one guy actually started WASHING THE OUTSIDE OF HIS WINDOW. hilarious! this is the same guy i caught opening the emergency exit window so he could stick his head out, and he let me do the same. jordi says the train is like watching the travel channel, but even more frusterating because you're actually there but still can't go. we also met a guy on the train going to florida through chicago from oakland, which takes four days. he says he has to ride the train because he lost his ID. why can't he get a new ID??? we can only speculate...whatever the reason is, he definitely doesn't want to be found. also! we saw a train wash! like a car wash, but for trains. we also saw a mobile port o potty on rails, for the workers building a new train track to push along as they go.

another quote from the woman at the gospel church: "In heaven everyone wears white, there are no bills to pay, you never get sick, nothing hurts, and the streets are paved with gold..."

thats all for now. all 3 of us have an inability to listen when people give us directions and such, which continues to cause problems...


Andrea said...

I'm confused about whether you're actually in MOAB. Where are you hitch hiking to/from? Good thing I'm not there I would ruin the directionless dynamic although I would expect more from you as the former president (prime minister?)of orienteering club. Inner tubing is the best transportation solution I've ever heard of did you carry your backpacks with you? IT ALL SOUNDS FAB I'M JEALOUS but leaving in three days!!!

TMon said...

You're hitchhiking sounds fun and adventurous!

But You promised your parents you wouldn't hitchhike. Wazup wit that?

Unknown said...

they have trainwashes in germany, no big deal, haha.

washing your own window on the train is tight though.

Unknown said...

im going to graceland, graceland, memphis tennessee...