Saturday, October 11, 2008

pictured above: my friend let me cut his hair with a swiss army knife, and then i used the extras to give him chest hair and facial hair. got the idea from the t-willis otis wood shaving collaboration. a monkey that jumped onto our backs. walking through the jungle. my check mate. kids at the school. doing my laundry. the boat on the way there (the bigger, less clastrophobe one)

my camera didnt work for the entire time i was in the amazon, but i{ll try and get someone else to give me their pics to put up. regardless, some c-c-c-crazy stuff went down there. i threw up egg and may never be able to eat itnormally again, i went piranha fishing, i swam in the amazon river with the pink dolphins, the shaman gave me a medicinal bath that had to be done at 3 AM that involved pouring ice cold water that smelled like funky herbs over my head continuously while he was simultaneously smoking, singing, and beating me overthe headwith a straw stick. i also spent a couple days in iquitos, which is the largest city in the world that isnt accessible by road. in order to get from there to the village in the amazon we had to take a 24 hour boatride, on a boat packed with people laying side by side in hammocks, and other people laying around on benches and on the floor. the boat smelled exactly like your pee after you eat a lot of asparagus. on the way back, they couldnt fit enough hammocks in sothey had to go double decker and long story short an irishman basically slept in my lap. i didn{t think vertical spooning was possible until that day. also clausterphobia was an issue forsome. ilike small spaces though, ithink theyre cozy, but to get to the bathroom you had to crowdsurf over the people in hammocks because there was no space to walk. when we got to the village we were immediatly greeted by a village dance. someone in the village was nice enough to show me their pet baby toucan. since i wasnt allowed to have pets growing up im very awkward around animals and i accidentally dropped the toucan, which then fell through the floorboards underneath the house. then, in the chaos of the falling toucan i kicked over my full waterbottle, which also fell and landed an inch away from squashing the toucan. ayiyiyi. hings i{ve realized: hiking can make your feet bigger, anacondas can be 24 feet long.
now im in cusco, living with a host family, taking spanishclasses in the mornings, and volunteering at a school in the afternoons. i{ve been teaching thekids english. when i arrive they clap for me, and then they all kiss me, and then they all hang off of my arms and body for the rest of the time. one kid bit another kid to try to get to me, which caused quite a scene. there have been lots of spanish miscommunications, like when someone askedwhose backpack is that? and my friend answered IAM THE BACKPACK. my host mom is obsessed with cleanliness and makes me drythe sink after i washmy hands. when i showed her a picture of my messy room at home i thought she was going to faint. my host dad is a retired chef, so i eat like a queen every meal. and the dulces! every meal is followed by his beautiful tarts, cookies, cakes, puddings, and this delish creme brulee stuff hemakes. im living the culinary life.
love you miss you
send me emails


Unknown said...

If your host mom is crazy about cleanliness I can't even begin to imagine what she thinks of your hair, especially after all this traveling. Has it begun to dread yet?

biancaleaveshome said...

yeah but this unbelieveably patient peruvian girl separated it back out for me, but fred the dred and his uncle ned are back in residence. ive decided i dont want dreds though because of the stereotypes involved, though im getting peer pressure to grow em

Andrea said...

I laughed out loud about the falling toucan, oh man. Sounds like you have been having some crazy adventures, how is Spanish going? Have you been speaking English with your group until now? I'm very curious about how other people learna language without formal instruction.. although I guess you have that now. Re: dreads, there were some legit hippies on the farm and the girl had impressive dreads which definitely contributed to the image, but she also had armpit hair. So I think you could probably find a middle point..
p.s. I'd still love an updated schedule.

dpaulbarrett said...

hey bianca, it's kate from yif. just wanted to say hi and that i've been loving your blog. what amazing times. keep up the fascinating tales!