Tuesday, December 23, 2008

feliz navidad

cool graffiti

feeling kinda homesick as its christmastime and everyone is fuhreeking out about snow in seattle. well we finally left the beach and now live on a farm with a handful of people from various countries, all hooligans. there isnt electricity on the farm, which calls for many romantic candlelight situations. today we made the trek to come to this town for internet. we arent really working on the farm since its christmas week, so we spend our days tinkering around. i visited the school and got them christmas presents with the generous money certain individuals gave me, and i will send them a more detailed message about that later. im eating the healthiest ever, since this farm is oragnic and it tends to draw vegan, glutten free, etc people who also tend to be above average in cooking, singing, drawing, and giving massages

we stayed in someones house in vilcabamba while lost trying to get to the farm. they had a feather taped to the wall for decoration

the finnish people built a makeshift sauna. its a hole in the ground with a tarp and blanket over it. here paulos is shoveling hot rocks in. he made us jump in the freezing river after


Margo said...

merry belated christmas and Happy New Year bianca!

2009 ooh yeah!

(ps. I heard you ran into our friend Benny on a Ecuadorian mountainside????)

Brett said...

ummm, what kind of dirty site is this? the verification word that I have to type in so the website knows I'm not a robot is "humphoe"

bianca... can you explain such things?