these are the whtachamacallits from harry potter
oxygen hits
i dunno how our sink got this dirty
the pool we worked on in the orphanage
christian, worlds cutest boy
working in the fields...
a costume in a parade. for some reason there are parades every 5 seconds in peru, but this parade was for the holiday puno day which is legit
our dinner party. the guests all arrived a half hour late and we were terribly nervous no one would show
and then nicole showed up in this costume mid meal...
the set table ready for guests
spaghetti sauce with french fries
me, my grandmother, and lucy in our cooking aprons
eating the guinea pig our grandmother cooked for us
bottom of swimming pool
this ceiling really looked like legos, i dunno
a typical meal
lake titicaca pictures made me very excited! you are an artist
I just checked my online banking account and you cashed my check. STORY. UPDATE. EMAIL!
ps. 1st semester is nearing a close. which means you are nearing vermont!!!!
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