Tuesday, November 18, 2008


edwin, our guide

these are the whtachamacallits from harry potter

oxygen hits

one of the ferris wheels i experienced in puno

lucy, camila and i

i dunno how our sink got this dirty


the pool we worked on in the orphanage

christian, worlds cutest boy

we found this rowboat tied to a rock on lake titicaca and took it out for a spin

working in the fields...

a costume in a parade. for some reason there are parades every 5 seconds in peru, but this parade was for the holiday puno day which is legit

our dinner party. the guests all arrived a half hour late and we were terribly nervous no one would show

and then nicole showed up in this costume mid meal...

the set table ready for guests

spaghetti sauce with french fries

me, my grandmother, and lucy in our cooking aprons

eating the guinea pig our grandmother cooked for us

bottom of swimming pool

this ceiling really looked like legos, i dunno

a typical meal

our badass brother or sister of the family we stayed with briefly on lake titicaca

the kitchen



i bring you this picture twice because its so frickin bootiful

straw boat

floating islands man made out of straw

halloween, lucy was a plant.

i was a banana

everyones bracelet combonations theyve assembled are very important. i love my jesus bracelet the most.

the aforementioned strawberry shortcake bedsheets


for his pirate costume but i´ll love it forever

we only had water at 4 in the morning so we had to take ice cold bucket showers

this donk was not right in the head and i rode him on the side of a cliff up a winding mountain


faces in bread